Sponsors – Adventures on the Farm

Animal Sponsors 2022

Learn about our sponsorship program.

Thank you

Our sponsorship program continues to be more popular than we envisioned. We can only thank God for your response to this program. We truly appreciate our sponsors for recognizing the value of the Cristo Rey Ranch ministry. We look forward to seeing you at the ranch.

Sponsor Visit Days

Sponsor Visit Days have changed this year. We will post several dates on website for open visit days. We will have volunteers on site during the posted dates and times to assist sponsors with animal visits. There is no sign up required. Just show up during a scheduled Sponsor Visit Day for a fun interaction with our animals.

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Our Amazing Sponsors

Listed in no particular order.

Tim  and Monica Coder
Shirley Guelig
Kay  Bloesl
Betty  Coerber
Mary Ann Rauguth
Lyla Bertram
Terry and Dana Rudolph 
Susan Furness
Rosie Ebertz
Kathleen and Richard Vander Velde 
Mary  LaCasse
Peter and Nancy Monday 
Tom and Deb Kraus 
Mary Jo Scannell
Kathy  Reiser
Grace Loehr and In memory of  John Becker
John and Joanne Droese  Manor
St. Joseph Kathy Elwing
Mary  Dollar
Michael and Judith Egan 
JoAnne White
Marcie Jost
John Huss
Kelcy Steffes
Linda Alvarez
Kathryn Skemp
Linda Struye
Bob Kolterman
Jan Manerle
JoAnn Guell


Many of our sponsorship forms have been received hand written. If we translated the names incorrectly (or any other issues), we apologize and want to get them corrected. Please contact us with the information that needs to be udpated.